Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Drought Is Over!

The big game on this weekend's road trip for Sean Avery was supposed to be Friday, his first visit to DallasSt. Louis. Avery scored his first goal since Oct. 27, snapping a second-period tie to send the Rangers on their way to a 2-1 victory over the Blues.

I was honestly starting to quit on Sean Avery. He wasn't scoring or getting a ton of ice time because all he seemed to want to do was fight. A 30 year old guy who likes to fight is a loser in my book. But the past 2 games I've seen, it looks like he's starting to get his edge back. Not so much being a bully as much as he's being his usual agitating self. The late hits, the trash talking, the slashing on the goalie's neck when he goes down. It's all back and it's all good.

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