Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Brett Favre In Trouble For Being Creepy Again

NEW YORK -- Two massage therapists sued Brett Favre on Monday, saying they lost their part-time jobs with the New York Jets after complaining about sexually suggestive text messages from the veteran quarterback. Claiming they were subjected to sexual harassment and job discrimination, Christina Scavo and Shannon O'Toole are seeking unspecified damages from Favre, the Jets and a Jets massage coordinator. While the women don't say they received any messages directly from Favre, he referred to Scavo in a message proposing a meeting with her and a third, unidentified massage therapist, the lawsuit says. "Kinda lonely tonight," he added in a subsequent message to the third masseuse, the lawsuit said. "I guess I have bad intentions."

The New York Jets are filthy. They'll fire you if you don't have a threesome with their QB and they'll hire you if you film foot fetish videos with your wife.  I don't get it. It's like bizarro world over there and everything goes apparently. What keeps getting ignored with all these sexual allegations against Favre is that this is a married man with a family. Where's the outrage? This is Tiger except he's not getting any of the action. But ESPN loves Brett and ESPN doesn't like Tiger because he was never one to give the media a good interview. Favre is just having fun with these women, right? Just a little prankster with his lewd texts. Chalk it up to trying to lighten the mood on a struggling team. Pathetic.

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