Sunday, January 23, 2011

I Think I'm Rooting For The Jets Today. Am I Going To Hell? Probably(For like 8 other reasons but so is every gay dude, right?).

Brutal week. Brutal fucking week. I went through the stages of grief like Bambi did after his mother died. I was in complete shock and denial on Sunday and Monday then I was completely angry for 3 days then I cyrcled into depression where I spend 24 hours in a dark room with a bottle of Jack and a shotgun. I skipped the bargaining stage but I don't do that shit. I don't make deals with the devil. I take and take and leave no prisoners in my path. But here I am at acceptance. We got outplayed, out coached, out hustled, out hit, out everything you need to do to win a playoff game. I want the Jets to win for one reason and one reason only. I fucking hate Ben Roethilisberger. I'd even go as far as to say I want his head on a platter. I've said this for a while now and I'll say it again. I don't like being friendly with a guy who has been accused of sexual assault twice in his life. Just not the kind of company I'd like to keep.  Maybe he raped the girl in the bar bathroom, maybe he didn't. I don't know, I'm not on fucking CSI but I'd put my money on he did something you're not supposed to do and that's where I leave it. He's a scumbag and if he wins today, he's on Tom Brady's level and I can't accept that. On the side we have Mark Sanchez and I gotta confess, I love him. He's a stud, looks like Vinny Chase, has big brass balls and makes big plays. I also feel bad for him because Sean Avery stole his gilrfriend and that shit hurts. I wouldn't even wish that upon on my worst enemy. The hurt from a lady is totally different than the hurt from a football. One stings and goes away with time but the other leaves you feeling empty and hopeless. No fun. Now having said all this, I hope New York gets absolutely stomped the fuck out in the Super Bowl to Green Bay. I'd rather see them win today, talk shit for two weeks and then get emasculated on the biggest stage in sports.

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