Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm Never Picking Football Games Again

I'm mortified, horrified and stupefied. I don't even care about the New Orleans/Seattle game because everybody and their mother picked the Saints there. Matt Hasslebeck played out of his ass. End of story. Colts and Jets could have went either way. I picked the lesser of two evils. Silly me. Totally forgot Peyton Manning was the football version of A-roid. They both had one post-season that made people forget what chokes they were. I wish I knew Kansas City liked to fumble. Apparently they don't like holding on to the ball because I've seen them drop it like 40 fucking times today and it makes me want to puke then piss in your Wheaties. Maybe I'm just used to watching New England every weekend and have gotten too used to perfection and mistake free football. Yeah that's it. It's not that I'm dumb, it's that I'm too awesome that I can't even picture how an average football game plays out. Yeah. Fuck you.

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