Thursday, January 6, 2011

Four Loko Now Reving Your Engine In a Whole Other Way(most creative post title in the past 3 weeks)

Four Loko is no longer available in New York stores, but the high-powered energy drink could soon be found close to home: in your gas tank. The controversial beverage, originally advertised as "blackout in a can," was pulled from shelves across the city last fall after consumers complained the potent mix of alcohol and caffeine was causing dangerous side effects.  Makers of the drink and three similar beverage companies who received warning letters from the FDA promised to reformulate their products and return them to the market without caffeine. But what to do with the extra Four Loko? Recycle it into fuel, the drink makers decided. Four Loko and the three similarly formulated drinks are being turned into ethanol at facilities that are able to extract the alcohol from the drinks into something that can be sold and blended into gasoline, The Associated Press reports.

When we look back on the short but prominent Four Loko era I think we'll say two things. It was the best of times and it was the worst of times.  It was the best during the 60 minute period that lies between buzzed and destroyed and it was the worst during the next 24 hours after drinking it. I guess I'm just happy to hear Four Loko is rehabbing its image. If Michael Vick can get a second chance in the NFL then Loko can get another shot at being important in our society again.

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