Saturday, January 1, 2011

Well That's Not a Very Good First Impression

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- New Pitt coach Mike Haywood was jailed on a domestic violence charge after a struggle at his South Bend home. Assistant St. Joseph County Police Chief Bill Redman said Haywood was arrested about 3 p.m. Friday after a custody issue developed with a woman with whom Haywood has a child. The unidentified woman told police that Haywood grabbed her by the arm and neck and pushed her as she tried to leave. Redman said the woman had marks on her neck, arms and back. "The University of Pittsburgh is aware of an alleged incident involving head football coach Michael Haywood today in South Bend, Indiana," the school said in an e-mailed statement. "The University expects the highest standards of conduct from its employees, including its coaches, and any breach of those standards is a very serious matter. The University will decline further comment until more complete information is available."

Typical Pittsburgh athletics. If they're not raping a girl in a bar bathroom then they're pushing women around the house on new years eve. The interesting thing about this story though is that it totally goes against my theory of everything is fine before 2 AM. What kind of asshole throws down with the mrs. on a Friday afternoon? I mean if you're gonna hit a broad, you gotta do it at the right time. Nobody "falls down the stairs" during Oprah. But all kinds of drunk bitches "fall down stairs" at 3 AM on new years eve. It's all about having a realistic alibi and sticking to it.

P.S. I googled Mike Haywood and that's the picture I got. No wonder he's punching women. You big ugly dork.

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