Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'm SO Fucking Pumped To Use The Recall Button On My Remote Control Tonight It's Not Even Funny

Winter Classic got bumped to 8:00 so it's gonna be airing at the same time as the Fiesta Bowl. So that only means one thing. Use that recall button on the remote control like you read about. Back and forth, back and forth like a god damn ping pong game on speed. One second I'll be watching Sidney Crosby get crushed along the boards and then next I'll see Oklahoma run the score up to 60 points by halftime. Oh, The Rose Bowl will probably be ending around 830 too so there's a third party I gotta show love to. And of course there's a fucking Jersey Shore marathon on so I gotta watch that AND the fucking date rape episode of One Tree Hill is on as I type this.

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