Thursday, January 27, 2011

This Kind Of Makes Me Want To Watch Two and a Half Men

Charlie Sheen had a "briefcase full of cocaine" delivered to his home -- and was using large amounts of the drug during the 36-hour bender that landed him in the hospital ... this according to a source inside the house. We're told Sheen had several people inside his home during the 36-hour span that started Tuesday night -- including 2 porn stars, a business associate, and several other women. After hours of drinking, we're told a person showed up to the house with a designer "briefcase" -- that contained multiple "bricks" of cocaine.We're told Sheen immediately began doing the drug for several hours.  Sheen was eventually hospitalized early Thursday morning for "severe abdominal pain." 
I don't watch Two and a Half Men. I'm not 40 and I think it's kind of creepy to watch 2 single dudes talk about sex and make jokes about it. But this makes it a little appealing because I wanna see how Charlie Sheen reacts to all this shit. The guy simply doesn't give a fuck. Was he trying to kill himself with a drug overdose? Maybe and wouldn't that be the ultimate way to go out for a Hollywood playboy? Briefcase of coke, porn stars and a wild sex party all apart of a 36 hour bender. Pretty fucking awesome if you ask me. I know that's how I'd wanna do it minus the porn stars. I like my females with a little more self respect. Not trying to mess around with some bitch who used to  get fingered by her daddy and her uncle and her uncle's daddy(so her grandpa?), which I guarantee is a plot to some fetish movie.

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