Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fake Valet Service Steals New Mother's Car

Police say a fake valet at a Massachusetts emergency room offered to park a pregnant woman's car, then drove away with it. Lowell police Capt. Kelly Richardson tells the Boston Herald that the woman drove herself to Lowell General Hospital at 3 a.m. Friday while suffering labor pains. She parked outside the emergency room doors and was met by a man wearing a uniform-style shirt who introduced himself as the valet. The man said she couldn't park there but volunteered to take her keys and move the car. Then, police say, he drove away. While being admitted, the woman was told the hospital didn't offer a valet service. The car was found Saturday morning. Police are examining it for fingerprints and other evidence to try to find the suspect.

I've always wondered why this didn't happen more often along with other easy crimes. For example, the book buybacks at school is too easy. You have a 8 hour window everyday for a week with kids who walk out of the store, holding fresh dollar bills in their pocket. How hard would it be to jump a Jordon Brault looking character and nab his money? This is why I'm always on edge. I'm not a very big dude. I mean don't try me because I'll fight to the bloody end but chances are that I'm going down a dead man if I ever get attacked. I'm just saying you never know when someone is gonna try to throw you a curve ball. "Oh you're the valet and you wanna park my car? Fuck off, bro. I'm not retarded. I can do that shit myself. Let me see some credentials or beat it." That's actually how you get rid of any suspicious activity. Ask for the credentials. I do it random Mexicans all the time. Demand their marching papers and shit. You'd be surprised how nice they start acting after that. ANYWAY I don't feel any sympathy for this chick and her new baby. Maybe don't get pregnant or maybe don't be an idiot. What kind of hospital has a valet service? Did you expect to get champagne upon arrival? Maybe have everybody in your life stand at the door and give you a standing ovation after the baby comes out. Wake up, bitch. Life is no fairytale.

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