Friday, January 7, 2011

Does The World Want Us To Go 182-0 Next Season?

The Tampa Bay Rays and Chicago Cubs have agreed to a multi-player deal that will bring right-handed pitcher Matt Garza to Chicago, according to a major league source.  The deal, which has been agreed to pending physicals, sends right-handed pitcher Chris Archer, outfielder Brandon Guyer, catcher Robinson Chirinos, shortstop Hak-Ju Lee and outfielder Sam Fuld to Tampa for Garza, minor league outfielder Fernando Perez and another minor leaguer.

Matt Garza isn't great but God damn, he's pretty fucking good and now we don't have to go up against him 8 times a year.  This off season has seriously been like Christmas for Boston. It's like every team has seen what we've done so they're simply throwing in the towel. Pettite is gonna retire because he doesn't wanna face our line up, Cliff Lee wanted no part of it, Cashman started building for 2012, Carl Crawford jumped on us like it was prom night, and Gonzo thanked the heavens for acquiring him. Either join us or get the fuck out of our division. In Theo Epstein we trust, indeed.

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