Friday, January 7, 2011

Johnny Weir Is Gay?!?! Noooo!!!!

Pull out your umbrellas and brace yourselves for the thousands of dead birds that will fall from the sky after dying of shock from learning that Johnny Weir is pretty much gay. After refusing to discuss his sexuality for years, the graceful golden swan of the frozen lake confesses in his new memoir that when it comes to sex, he prefers the peen. But then Johnny says that he's completely open to marrying a woman.

I like to think I have a pretty strong gaydar but Johnny Weir totally flew under it.  One day Ricky Martin drops a bomb on us by coming out of the closet and now Johnny Weir? Who's next? Nate Berkus? Andy Cohen? I'm just shocked. I knew these men were fabulous dressers but I didn't know they were playing tummy sticks with Fernando from around the corner. This one hurts. We lost a very, very straight man in Johnny Weir today.

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