Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thank God For Facebook Or I Wouldn't Know There Was a Snow Storm Today!

Hey assholes. I know what fucking snow looks like. Sure there's a shit ton of it out there but I can look out my window and see the same piece of shit picture you just uploaded to Facebook. I don't need your help. Like I thought this was just a dream but then I see other people uploading pictures so it must be real? No that's not how it works. I don't give a fuck what your driveway looks like. Maybe get off your lazy ass and shovel that shit so your mom doesn't pull a hammy trying to be a member of Schur Landscaping. Please stick to posting embarrassing and incriminating photos of Dylan Sellberg that I can blog. I'm gonna go back to being my miserable and irritating self.

P.S. It's not fucking cute to throw your pet outside in the snow. It's mean. You think Brady likes going outside to play in the snow? Hell no. Not unless you let him wear his crown and cape and have 5 slutty cats pulling his sled like he's a pimptastic Santa.

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