Monday, January 24, 2011

I Could Have Had a Shot at Rachel Uchitel If I Friended Her On Facebook?

RACHEL Uchitel, one of the many women who slept with Tiger Woods, has a new boyfriend! In an interview with PopEater, the socialite revealed she’s met a “super cute” guy — on Facebook. “He friends me and he’s like ‘I’m this really nice, normal guy, if you ever want to go for coffee I’d love to take you out.’ So I looked at his picture and he’s super cute,” Rachel said. “I usually don’t go for people with looks. I’m more for personality and for someone who’s really strong. “I’m not this stalker of men. I’m just saying that I wanted love so bad. You know, I lost my fiance in the World Trade Center. I was prepared to be married, and I have been at that stage for a really long time where I want to have a teammate.

Call her mean names because she fucked around with a married man and is an emotional basket case. I don't care. I know hot when I see it and she's hot.  All this new dude did was friend her and send her some creepy inbox message? That's it? So what did Tiger have to do? Walk into her area code and she started the boing-boing dance? I guess I'm just mad at myself for never taking a shot. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Snooki said that, right? I'm not saying I'm some fucking stud that could have gotten Rachel Uchitel but I'm not bad by any means. I mean I'm not so much Mark Wahlberg as much as I'm Jim Halpert and chicks dig Jim Halpert. The real kicker is she doesn't even go for people with looks and is actually more into personality. Uhhhmmm hellloooo? Bring that white bikini and your weird left nipple on over. Let's lift our sleeves and bare our scars, love one another and maybe, just maybe we can walk through fire together.

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