Friday, July 9, 2010

Top 4 Baseball Fan Fails

Number 4
Texas Ranger Fan Falling 30 Feet

Now, I'm all for bringing your glove to the game in hopes of catching a foul ball, but lets tone down the enthusiasm. I've been to about 10 different MLB stadiums and have seen a lot of railing in my day, and it is not an easy feat to fall over the edge. I think this was all just a stunt to try and meet Nolan Ryan (which he did). Either that or my favorite theory: MURDER. His wife almost go away with it too, but not on Blogstradamus' watch. Luckily this man is in stable condition in the hospital which makes it okay for me to make fun of him.

Number 3
Man Hit in the Face with a Baseball Bat

Now, I don't care who you are this picture is funny. I have no idea if this man is okay or not, but he will live on forever because of this picture. Also the Bat out of Hell caption to this picture is pure comedy gold. There is nothing I love more than laughing at other people's pain, but my favorite part of the picture is this man.
His indifference to the whole situation astounds me.

Number 2
Phillies Fan Gets the Shit Tasered Out of Him

By now I think it's pretty common knowledge that Philadelphia sports fans are fuggin' lunatics. The fans in Philly are so insane that the Eagles had to build a prison inside their stadium to throw people in during the game. All that being said I'm a fan of this kid running onto the field. For all we know he saw some litter on the field and was going to go clean it I guess this is what America has come too. a gentleman and a scholar tries to do an honorable deed just to get tasered half to death. Now this is all speculation and this kid was probably just trying to show his twig and berries to the entire stadium, but he needs the benefit of the doubt.

Number 1

Steve Bartman Taking a Dump on the Cub's Dreams
Now I'll give Bartman credit for one thing, he didn't fall over the railing a crack his skull open (yeah I'm talking about you Number 4). Sure he interfered with the play that could have sent the Cubs to the World Series, but come on this is the Cubs we are talking about. They would have lost in 4 games in the Series and found something else to bitch about.

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