Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Hills Finale Reveals What Everyone Already Knew

The Hills ended for good tonight but I'm not going to give a summary of the episode because if you care about what happened you probably already watched it and if you didn't watch it you don't give a rats ass. I just want to talk about how everything ended. On Tuesday evening I posted about how Kristin Cavallari said the show was fake. Everyone in the world already knew it was fake and cast members have hinted at it before but it wasn't until the finale that the show actually referenced it.

The main plot line of the finale was Kristin going away for a few months to Europe because she needed to figure out her life. Brody tried to convince her to stay but Kristin got in her car for the airport anyways. As she drives away, with Brody visible in her rear-view mirror, a montage of clips from the show is played - very similar to The O.C.'s finale. Brody stands there as we see the Hollywood backdrop being rolled away behind him - realizing they are filming on a studio lot (not in front of Kristin's house as we thought) with a backdrop and all. The camera pans out and shows that Kristin's car didn't really move at all. She gets out of the car and hugs Brody as the camera pans out revealing all of the cameramen and crew-members. Video of the scene is below.

I was completely surprised by the ending as I didn't expect the producers to finally admit everything was staged and fake but they probably wanted a unique way to end it and they certainly accomplished that. My naive cousin called me after watching it, screaming into the phone about how mad she was that the show was fake. Either she refused to believe it was fake all along or girls really do have smaller brains than guys. Brody talked about the ending on the after-show and said,
"The thing is, as you saw on the end — what's real and what's fake, you don't know. Our relationship, the entire time could have been fake. That's one of the questions: what was real and what was fake, and we left it [open]."
"Could have been fake"?!?!? Okay Brody, the show is over - you don't need to try and cover it up any longer. I was born at night, but not last night. LC and Whitney came back for the after-show while Spencer continued his extremely weird ways by tweeting a picture of him dressed up as an old man.

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