Monday, March 2, 2009

Housh to Hawks and Rips still got it

Today T.J. Houshmanzadeh announced he plans to go to the Seattle TJ your a smart guy, your pretty young and you have hands softer than a babys bottom so dont kill off the rest of your career by going to seattle. This division sucks more than atkinsons blog  and this team sucks more d than than a hungry hooker on the street corner. Hasslebecks been around since Jefferson was president and hes on his way out, not to mention sellberg might as well be there running back. Dumb move TJ.

In other sports news, I am a Celtics fan but I also love Uconn and all Uconn alums so I wasnt hurt to bad when I watched Rip Hamilton drop 25 last night. I love rip, I know hes been havin a bad year and got replaced with AI but he obviously can still play. Not to mention that rugged facemask noseguard, who can rock one of those and still be an allstar? Nice work Richard Keep it up.

Ookalicous stays vicious and John Bidwell gets bitches. I dont care what they say that kids my boy.

Hes makin a comeback, get ya popcorn ready.

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