Saturday, February 28, 2009

periwinkle happens to be my favorite color

I may not have sex with many ladies...but many ladies have sex with me.

Oh goodbye loverboy

I usually don't post about the Patriots because I hate them more than Osama himself but I decided since this is big breaking news, I'd fill the world in. Above we have the baby golden boy, seemingly waving goodbye to NewEngland. This picture wasn't taken today however, indicating that there has been an inside deal forming for months...PATS CHEAT AGAIN. No but really, this guys a rock, this year he put up numbers bigger than mine, and they send him away for a second rounder?? Brady put those numbers up his first season too, coming in for the injured John Madden, or maybe Drew Bledsoe. Thats besides the point...I think this was a premature decision by the Pats front office (must have spent too much time in the film room). I want to see a thumb war Cassel vs. Brady for the starting job. Thats a crock of shit if you ask Rza. All I'm sayin is...when it comes to me being a die hard Tampa Bay Lightning like a 16 year old on Carriage Drive....HONEY ROASTED 

If I Put Clothes On, That Means This Is Over.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama took a break from politics Friday to sit courtside at a basketball game between his hometown team Chicago Bulls and the Washington Wizards.

I absolutely love this guy. He's too fucking cool. He is the only president I'd like to drink beers with besides Andrew Jackson. AJ was all time. trust me. If Alexander Hamilton was ever prez he would be my top dog though. Any hombre who is game to throw down with swords and put his life on the line is a friend of mine. Anyway. Wizards suck. Bulls suck. They both need a lot of hope and change to make the playoffs. Let's hope that stimulus package is more effective than both of these teams running the motion offense.

Side Boob Of The Day

Bare with us today...bahahahaa I'm too much

Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Friday Bitches! Get Some Strange Ass

All of my dreams will be complete if I get one weekend to hang out with this kid/man. The fucking spin move is golden.

Things I Hate: Girls With Bangs.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm not sorry. Its an awful look. I've seen too many bitches try to pull off this bangs look like they're 6 years old again or whatever but its terrible. Yeah, when you were 6 it might have been cute to have chubby cheeks but now you just look fat. Plain and simple. You wont grow out of that fat unless you start throwing up your lunch everyday. I don't why it is but every time I see a chick with bangs, I get an image of a fat ass bunny with chubby chunk cheeks. You just look ugly and dirty. And not good dirty, like I haven't showered in a week and I slept in a dumpster. All of you. You disgust me. I'm talking about that like unnatural bangs where you force it. I don't know. I don't like it and neither does desi.

Tiger Lost, I lost, Lebron Lost, Albert Won?

Waking up this morning it was obviously clear that yesterday was not our day. That would be us legends, heroes, warriors, and so on. Tiger loses in match play, Lebron gets held down by the Rockets, and Clint Dempsey called to tell me he was embarassed that he was my favorite player. Then a scum bag like Albert Haynesworth signs a $100 million deal. The sports Gods must be on vacation or something cause this is just some whacky shit going on here.

Welcome To The Greatest Franchise In The NFL.

Fred Taylor is officially a Patriot. If he wasn't going to be remembered as one of the greats he sure as fuck will now. Everyone loves a champion and this guy is gonna be winning a ring behind Tom Terrific next year.

Side Boob Of The Day

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I claimed I would never actually post something serious about my personal life but here it is. I'm in love with 3 different girls. anyway. I got a knot in my stomach and it's killing me. I just wanna get the W. 0-2 hurts more than 0-1. I was thinking "me" not we and I did absolute work last game and I don't care what anyone says. I was nasty. Tonight was a different. I did the opposite sean avery and let #7 get in my head even though I was trying to get in his. Embarassing. My play was anything from satisfactory and I apologize. I’m sorry. We were looking for an undefeated season. That was my goal, something MSC has never done here. But I promise you one thing: A lot of good will come out of this. You have never seen any player in the entire country play as hard as I will play the rest of the season, and you will never see someone push the rest of the team as hard as I will push everybody the rest of the season. You never see a team play harder than we will the rest of the season. God bless. Honestly, you could have looked out on that field tonight and told mike dasilva I've never played soccer before and he would buy it. Just fucking garbage. I guess when you always try to bring the thunder, you get lost in the storm. No more sad titty sobbing. When a true champion comes face to face with his darkest hour, he fights, and fights, and then fights some more. Surrender is death and death is pussy. And my ass aint no pussy, my ass is a fucking champion.

NL Bullys

Get ready boys, becaue this man is ready for quite the year. It dont matter where Jose bats in the lineup, 1 or 2 he will still kick yo ass. Phillies? As far as im concerned that was last year, and they have a recovering 2nd baseman. 09' holds great things for the Metropolitans. The Phillies stand as much of a chance as Dylan's baby Maria in a snowstorm...(or a dusting for that matter).

Ryan suck, if i swung for the fences this year i would lead Northwest Catholic baseball in strikeouts, lowest batting average, and all around fatness. Call up jared the subway man cuz that hasnt done shit for your fat Crisco ass Not to mention cant play a lick of first base. I'll hit a hole in one on a par 5 before he wins a gold glove. The mets will take these phillies and run a bayetrain/baynebang on them, and the rest of the NL east...then NL championship series...then world series. Mark my words on 2/26/09, New York Mets...World series champions. you say no i say "Fuck yo couch"

In other news....

1. First home spring training game for the mets:
Standout from Jose Reyes. 2 HR...1 of which was a big dick aka grand salami. one of the best SS in the league.

2. After his 2nd spring training game, David Wright drove himself home. He didnt feel the need to get his ass schofured around by his cousin.....(hmmm)

Please allow me to re-introduce myself...

RICHMOND, Va. -- A government official says imprisoned NFL star Michael Vick has been approved for release to home confinement.

His name is Vick...Vick...V to the ick. The man is black and back, and im not gonna exited. Ya big fuckin deal this guy let some dogs attack eachother, and let nature take its course...AMEN Michael. I want to know if I would get just as crucified if I started a Beta Fish fighting ring, i mean...those suckers are meannn. Thats equivalent to throwing Donnahue into a daycare...nobody is going to come out of there untouched. My prediction is...Michael comes back like all up in her faster, stronger, and dominates the league at every position. After all that man does have a dick like a Pitbull...oh behave

Reader Instant Message: Nate Robinson Sucks.

: my dude little nate is dirty
Rza: you're fucking retarded
ILoveRza:what he's averaging like 30 a game since the break
Rza:you're so glib
ILoveRza: you're gay
Rza: he's the worst point guard in the league
ILoveRza: you're the worst pg in the league
Rza: fuck you you're just jealous
ILoveRza: w/e little nate is the best guard in the league
Rza: Kobe, wade, cp3, b-roy, RONDOOOO. I'd even put steve blake over nate robinson.
ILoveRza: We're makin the playoffs man I can feel it.
Rza: Show me the point guard who averages 30 a game and 2 assists and I'll show you the team who can't win a game. the knicks.
sean avery scored last night. you remind me of him. always runnin ya mouth in pick up.
Rza: ..I love you.
ILoveRza: Aiight nigga I'm out
Rza: I'm white. you go back to queens/ghana and read the manual emmanuel.
ILoveRza: I don't miss you at all.
Rza: go be a falcon freak you big albertus fan.

That's an exact replica of the conversation I just had. Screen names are obviously changed. I didn't wanna blow his cover. The kid is from queens, he's got goons all over the world. It's BKBreed718 and his skype name is KingofQueens. Baahhaaaaa

Side Boob Of The Day

Charlize is bringing the heat here and I don't think I got the bat speed to keep up.

Sean Avery Scores First Goal For Wolfpack.

One day he's assisting on a goal for the overtime win and the next he's scoring goals in a 5-2 victory. Say what you will about my boy but when he's on the right team, they win. That's 4 W's in a row for you fast kids at home. I've been to one game of his and have been able to watch a couple more live on the internet and I don't think he has changed a bit and I love it. He'll be yapping his mouth on the bench then he'll go put you into the wall once he hits the ice. I'm no hockey guru but if it wasn't for a long night of drinking beers at QU with a rabid hockey craze I wouldn't be writing about my boy Avery. That sentence doesn't fit in this post at all.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Big deal for a big man

So the beloved New York Giants signed Brandon Jacobs the 6 fot 6 264 pound half firetruck half running back to a 4 year 25 million dollar deal. Thank god this guy is mroe feared on the football field then All League Scotty Boucher is on the Soccer Field. I expect a monsterous year from Jacobs this year, defenses cant tackles him, offenses wish they had him, and sellberg wishes he wasnt around since he has his way with the eagles. I love Big Brandon, welcome to the big time.
I hear Brandon and Eli ran a baynetrain on Ms. Simpson, sorry Tony looks like u need to learn how to hold onto your women and the football.



Get used to seeing that in the upper left hand corner of your screen folks...LETS GO! If you ask me...162-0 isn't a difficult line to achieve all you have to do is have Texiera and A-Rod on the corners and your sittin pretty. Thats right, i said forgetting about the past cause after all Mark Mac...were not here to talk about the past. 

Today ESPN reported that A-ROD got into a truck driven by his cousin Yuri Sucart allegedly who linked him to if i had a dollar for every time i have gotten in the car with someone I shouldn't have...Warren Buffet would be my name and slayin bitches would be my game...lets see here...

The top 5 people i regret ever getting in the car with

5. Douggie Z...while he took his first hit at 9AM
4. Billy Bayne any time he insists he's sober enough to drive
3. Cyr in that Wendys parking lot
2. My neighbor while he was evidently high on shrooms
1. Lauren Bisson

OH BEHAVE...bottom line is everybody gets in a car with somebody they shouldn't have and just because your name is Peter Gammons doesn't mean you have to tell the world about it...who am i kidding lets all grow happy places

Jodi Rell Just Served CT's Golden Boy.

"I think if coach Calhoun had the opportunity right now, he would welcome a do-over and not have that embarrassing display," Rell told reporters after a meeting with business leaders and local college officials. Asked what she considered embarrassing, Rell said, "I just thought the whole tone, his whole tone."

I've been saying this from day one. This why we can't have women in charge. They're just too fucking soft. Boo fucking hoo.Typical female on their period and I don't give a fuck who I offend. Last time I checked, this state was winning championships when we had a man in office. Sure, call me a sexist or whatever the fuck you want it's ok, I've been called a lot of things. Most recently I've been called a xenophobe. No, I'm not afraid of other countries, I just think we're better than everybody else. In my fathers day they called that PATRIOTISM. You're talking about a man's money here. You don't do that, I don't care if you're Kenny Powers. What would Jodi think if I got up and asked about her weight. Let's be honest, she could lose 5 maybe 30 pounds to get in game shape. Let's check out this bitches tone after that. I don't think Jim went hard enough. I would have been sending that snobby reporter in the wall. Look at that picture of Taliek and Rashad. Pure joy. You don't see that shit goin on now after this old lady started running things. If what I'm saying is considered wrong then I don't wanna be right.

Brooks Done In Tampa.

Linebacker Derrick Brooks, one of the greatest players in Tampa Bay Buccaneers history, was told Wednesday he will be released before the start of free agency along with four other veterans. Brooks is an 11-time Pro Bowler and a potential Hall of Famer. Also informed of their impending releases were wide receivers Joey Galloway and Ike Hilliard, halfback Warrick Dunn and linebacker Cato June.

First Fred Taylor now Dbrooks and Warrick Dunn. You heard it here first. The Patriots just cured their linebacker issue and we're going to have the dirtiest running back by committee next year. 19-0. Lets Fucking Go. Oh, I'm the same guy who said Sean Avery was going to be playing for Wolfpack back in December and I called Bernie Madoff's bluff to his face. You don't believe me? Fuck you, you're just jealous.

David Meckes needs a man as of 2 hours ago. uuhhhhhhh you're gay.


The New York Knicks and Stephon Marbury reached a buyout agreement Tuesday afternoon that clears the way for Marbury to sign with the Boston Celtics. "A comprehensive agreement was made this afternoon between the New York Knicks and Stephon Marbury," the Knicks said in a statement. "Under its terms, the grievance has been resolved and the Knicks have requested waivers on Stephon. No additional terms will be disclosed."

Ugh. I just puked in my mouth. I'm disgusted. I understand the guy wants to come to the best sports town in the world and win a ring. Even A-rod wanted to come here. I used to root for Steph back when he was first traded to the Knicks. Make clear that it was Marbury, not the Knicks I liked. Any little guy who was down to throw bows with a slob like Kenyon Martin was OK in my book. The guy is a joke now. I hate him and his little brothers. If he wants to come into this veteran led team and think he is one of the guys and all of a sudden be my new boyfriend he is out of his mind.

Side Boob Of The Day

That better not be justin bobby in front of her

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

PC Beats Pitt. Heyyoooo

PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- Weyinmi Efejuku scored 16 and Providence upset No. 1 Pittsburgh 81-73 on Tuesday night for its first win over a top-ranked team in 33 years.Sharaud Curry added 15 points for the Friars (17-11, 9-7 Big East), who picked up a big victory for their NCAA tournament hopes.

Hey, hey, hey I love this. I hate Pitt so I absolutely love this. The boys who birthed such legends as Ryan Gomes, John Grady, Billy Donovan, John Linehan (I didn't forget my boy), and ofcourse Sheiku Kabba. What, you don't remember him? He only averaged 7.6 points over 4 years of being a friar. Listen, I don't claim to be an all out PC fan but I'll root for the bastards when they play anyone in big east besides Syracuse. I wanna point out I was cheering for Ryan Gomes when he single handedly whooped the Huskies in like 2003 or something. And (I know never start a sentence with and) I'm telling you Sharaud Curry is becoming one of my favorite players in college basketball. He's a tough, hard nosed guard who goes 110% for you all the time. He's like the '93 me.


No it is not, we may have lost tonight but you know what they say, the first cut is the deepest, so theres nowhere to go but up, and there were some things I saw out there I liked. I liked Mike Orefices booty.....I mean goal, I liked scottys braces, I like cohen playing hurt, I liked Mike Cyrs heroics, and I really like Corys prayers to the porcelin god, if you know what I mean. We started off with a 1-0 lead thanks to some brilliant moves by Mikey O, then MSC just had problems defensivly, except scotty. Despite the fact we palyed a bunch of 30 year old men we really held our own out there. Get big Thursday 9 oclock FSA be there.Step to this bitchhh Mills Soccer Club is in the house.


I'll be happy if were half as good as THE BIG GREEN tonight


J.D Drew Tried To Kiss Me And I Didn't Tell Anyone Cause Idk How I Feel About it Yet

I don't know how I feel about this guy. Sometimes I love him but most of the time I think he is dull, soft and one of the most apathetic figures in Boston sports. I just feel like the guy doesn't give a shit. He's the anti-youk or Pedroia and I love those guys. My last memory of Drew is him sitting on a 1-2 count with the bases juiced in the ALCS, ending our season. He walked away like it was nothing. I'm no baseball star but you can bet your nanny's ass that I would be in the umpires face debating that call. And now he comes into training camp with a back injury but he says it's no big deal. You don't know what to believe from this guy. He could make a mountain out of a mole hill or vise versa.

Side Boob Of The Day

I'll bet my unborn child that her lips are fake.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The things I would do for this girl.

Here are the 10 craziest thing I would do to call Kendra Wilkinson my own (sorry bobbi)

10. Stay in Burlington the rest of my life
9. Get in a fist fight with Callahan, regardless if it ment my demise
8. Sacrifice my first born child to the Jackson family, Michael's
7. Have sexual intercourse with Magic Johnson
6. Lick Kendra's bootyhole, that we all know she doesn't poop out of 
5. Put a ripe banana in my ear
4. Blowjobs for every man above the Magellan Strait
3. Sacrifice myself as a promoter of the entire slavery act
2. Dig up Anna Nicole's grave and boink her corpse
1. Go Chris Browning on Rhianna (again), Taylor Swift, And Megan Fox...that will be hard but I'll do it for her 

Just a side note...I had a picture that was "safe search off"...but the three amigos had to bitch so i turned "safe search on"

My New Favorite Show.

Just a little snippet of East Bound and Down. Kenny Powers is my hero. Sundays at 10:30 on HBO. I better get fucking paid for dropping that line.

P.s. You're right sellberg this isn't Albertus. That's real soccer over there. What you got goin on is the saddest sack of scrubs I've ever seen assembled on a field. Fuck you, you're just jealous. Oh, I FUCKING QUIT. GOOD LUCK RUNNING THIS BLOG WITHOUT THE GUY EVERYONE COMES TO READ YOU CONCEDED LITTLE SHIT. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU VERY MUCH. SUCK.MY.BALLS.

The most epic,death-defying,gut-wrenching,tittie squeezing post of ALL TIME

First off I would like to say Im honored to be on a team named MSC, seeing as the actual Lewis Mills soccer players call themselves MSC, does this give me rights to obnoxiously ruin every school dance by singing "I want it that way" in a mircle (man-circle)?

Im going to break down this team, one by one, man by man, player by player, scrub by scrub, and tit by tit...while leaving out several players for lack of something creative about them. So if you'r not in it for the long haul on this post...pack your bags and call your nanny. 

Ladies first--
KAK- dont pass the ball to her, dont look at her, dont associate with her, for all we know she is the immigrant Janitor for FSA who has wandered onto the field...this isnt MSGC

Mike O, Look for Mike to have a huuuuge season, im talkin MVP like status, he didn't get to shine as much as he needed to this year for the school team because he was injured. Lets hope he doesn't blow this one Marissa style. 

Ba-ba-ba-ba-baynetrain. Look for this train to be  more of a pedalbike on the field. He thinks he can keep up with the best in the world, only I have seen him sing on rockband so I know this is a false-reality. 

C-Scans- the most quiet, and in my opinion the most talented Scanlan alive. Second to Ron Scanlan, who rides a mean stallion.

C-Murphy- Im told he has a left foot dirtier than his basement, little does he know...I've ejaculated there twice for the lack of females to do it for me and have NEVER cleaned up.

Troiani- Told me today "I can play soccer"...really Dave?? bold statement

C-RZA- This ain't Albertus hunny, Im puttin you into a wall...oh and dont they have a 40+ league for you??

KAK- dont pass the ball to her, dont look at her, dont associate with her, for all we know she is the Janitor for FSA who has wandered onto the field.

And I am personally guaranteeing a red-card for celebrations if/when I score my first goal...which i probably wont. And yes that is a picture of me at the top Refunds for injuries??? 

Baseball needs a hero...David Wright

In this era of steroids in my beloved game of baseball, there have been many players that once were beloved that we now hate (A-Rod, Bonds, Marky Mac, Big Roger, etc.). This is a time where many people love to criticize our nation's pastime. It is clear that this game is in need of a hero, and somebody that exemplifies everything the game should be about. David Wright is that guy. He is one of the harders working players I have observed while at spring training, and regular season games. He seems to be to the Mets what Derek Jeter is to the Yanks. He is the face of a Major Leage Baseball franchise, and that does not go to his head. He still has the time to be there for the fans as much as he can, and do the right thing. He has his own foundation (The David Wright Foundation) benefiting kids with Multiple Sclerosis, which is a devestating disease.

This man is not only an allstar talent in the leage and an Original Gangster (OG), but is also a class act who goes about things the right way.

Sir Charles= The Coldest Story Ever Told.

The round mound of rebound was sentenced to 5 days in jail after pleading guilty to 2 counts of DUI. What a crock of shit. Give the guy a fucking break. He's not some dead weight blonde who was born into fame, running around, getting fucked on camera and crashing daddy's car every weekend. This is Charles we're talking about here. He blew a .149. Barkely is a fucking legend. He went on TV and said sorry. Every chance he gets, he always takes full responsibility for his actions. We should admire that, not punish him for it. The guy tells it like it is. Speaking of which, what's all this talk about ponte being a womanizer? When you can get on my level I'll let you swap some war stories with me over a cold beer. As Kevin Smith says," Until then, Get ya weight up budddyy." ANYWAY. I've always been a fan of the man (barkely not ponte. I wouldn't either near my wife). I have a frame of him on my wall right next to Kevin Youkilis and Ronaldinho. That's big. And what's 5 days gonna do? You're just teasing Jeff Dahmer and Buffalo bill in cell block 43 when you stick fresh meat in the slammer for that amount of time. All I'm saying is I think these guys are sniffing up the wrong hershey trail. Or something.

Greatest Sports Die-nasty ever.period.

When the you ask about the greatest dynasty in sports history you think of the Boston Celtics, The Detroit Red Wings, The Tennesse Lady Volunteers, and Tommy Ponte the lady killer, but all of these pale in comparison to the Trinity College Mens Squash Team.....WHAT!? Yup these guys have 200 straight wins and 11 straight national championships, whatttt 11 straight national titles are you kidding, backoff NBA, NFL, NHL, HBMHL, Collegiate Squash hold the greatest dynasty ever. People come from all over the world into the slums of hartford to play at this school, who would have thought. I mean I'v heard of ladies coming from all over the world to see Dan Donahue dance but not to play squash for trinity. I myself being a former squash player can really appreciate this, I dreamed of Trinity way back when was a freshman playing fourths squash at The Westminster School, and I'm man enough to admit I was oon fourths (Varsity, JV, Thirds, Fourths). My coach didnt speak english but he tought me enough to trounce sellberg in racketball at the Y everyday, wordup.

Bigger Bully of the Big East: Calhoun or Jimmy B?

Baahahaaa. you guys are too much. I swear Calhoun took that line from my book of quotes though. GET SOME FACTS THEN COME BACK AND SEE ME.

P.S. Anyone who comes up to me or Boeheim and says Gmac was overrated the story ends with us putting them into the wall.

Manny Is Still Unemployed.

Man-ram doesn't have a job and I refuse to get one until he does. Honesty, how isn't this guy on a team? He's gotta be one of the most, if not the most feared right handed hitter in the game. I don't see any of his numbers slowing down at all this year. There has to be a legit reason he is still a free agent. Oh, maybe teams noticed the way he tanked it in Boston last year. Yeah, that "knee injury" that never existed when he went for a MRI. How about the way he disrespected the front office because they didn't want to talk about a contract extension until after the season. Or when he beat up an old guy because he didn't order the right amount of tickets. Might be the punch he threw at Youk last year on the bench. Let's throw in the fact that he already turned down two generous contract offers this year. Manny is finally feeling the consequences of acting like a 7 year old his entire time with the sox. He broke my heart. Bottom line is this guy is a piece of shit. Always has been, always will be. I fucking hate him. I hope he never gets a job again. If he ever plays a game in Boston I hope they drill him in his head and end his entire career. Fuck you Manny. I'm being bitter? Fuck you too, you're just jealous of my rockin' bod.

Side Boob Of The Day

Sunday, February 22, 2009

When You Got So Many Weapons...I Don't Know

Rondo, Allen and The Truth combined for 89 points today. Rondo raped with 32 and 10 assists. What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man. I. love. Rondoooooo. He made Steve Nash look like a 45 year old man on every play. This is what championship teams do. Yeah, KG is out for 3 weeks but we just rebounded and kept this ship moving. Every guy stepped their game up a little bit in his absence. We absolutely bitch slapped the Suns on this day. We're trying to win a ring here boys.

As a matter of fact, you are.

Talking about Rudy Gay provokes a crazy discussion

"No, I really like those guys that are rock solid"
"He has too many peaks and valleys for my liking"
"He's got the Jet body"
"He's like those Italian sports cars"

As a matter of fact you are a big gay guy.

Happy Birthday Kiddo.

I know plenty of females who wish they were that popsicle you lady killer....

You Don't Really Wanna Get Me All Fired Up Pt. 2

Typical Yankee fans. First they spend like the U.S. Congress now they hit another pathetic level. Just because your 275 million dollar boy, the guy who was supposed to be the greatest player ever, has fallen from grace doesn't mean you have to go attack our pride and glory in Papi. It's absolutely disgusting what guys like A-roid have now done to this game. We can no longer look at a players stat line and admire his complete climb from mediocre player to superstar because of his religious work ethic. It's a fucking shame. Sure, Papi has some muscle on him but the majority of that boy is pure beef. He's just a fat fuck. Even as a rookie he was a bit of a chunky butt. Hey, your new faggot Teixeira is a pretty muscular guy let me just go throw steroids in his face. Sorry, I'm not gonna sink that low. Regardless, Yankee fans who shit their pants everytime he steps up to the plate would come up with such an asinine accusation. We can even ignore the whole part of his work ethic and look at basic facts. Look at the numbers. They don't jump off the page like Bonds. And if you're going to play the numbers game then the supposed years A-rod was on the 'boli aren't even that newsworthy. They are pretty much right on par with his career so no what the fucks up? Papi came from an orginization in Minnesota that was in disarray and he was completely uncomfortable. It must be totally unbelievable that he comes to Boston and changes his entire swing and is now batting next to the greatest right handed hitter in the game in Manny. He's no longer a field player and dedicates his entire practice time to hitting. Big guy finally gets to see some pitches and make a name for himself and you wanna take him down? Whatever. Steroids don't affect big game performances (look at a-rod) and Big Papi is the most clutch hitter in the game. That's something you can't take away from him.

Big-Poopie is more like it

Presinal, according to the Daily News, runs a gym in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The paper also said he has worked with other notable major league players, including Pedro Martinez, David Ortiz, Vladimir Guerrero, Bartolo Colon, Miguel Tejada, Adrian Beltre and Jose Guillen.

Presinal being the trainer linked to the A-Rod roid rarity. This sparked me to look up some Ortiz stats, and let me tell you...big Papi SCREAMS roids. Here we have his stats from 2002 and 2004...hardy har har har

2002 Hits per game .896 (112) Home Runs per game: .16 (20) Runs Batted In per game: .6 (75) On Base %: .339 Slugging %: .500 Average: .272

2004 Hits per game 1.16 (175) Home runs per game: .273 (41) Runs Batted In per game: .92 (139) On Base %: .380 Slugging %: .603 Average: .301

Wow, if you ask me this guys dirtier than a Ponte's dick. 63 more hits, 21 more dingers, almost double the RBI's, and a huge jump in SLG,OBP,and AVG. Now we all know why Big Papi is soooo big, MITCHELL REPORT THAT. I would like to give full credit of my detailed investigation to the boredom of the town of burlington. Ill put my first born child on the line if this guy is clean, give him a polygraph and ask the fucker if he likes small children. Can't wait till he goes Benoit roid rage and breaks a bat over Pedroia's head. I just hope Chris Vollono isn't in on this roid scandal, cause so help me god christopher if your mother finds out about this there will be serious consequences to pay! 

Dustin Will Be Great.

The only players to win a MVP, a Gold Glove, a ROY, and a world series:
Willie Mays
Frank Robinson
Pete Rose
Johnny Bench
Thurman Munson
Cal Ripken Jr.
Albert Pujols
Dustin Pedroia

I don't know. Just wanna throw that little fact out there. I like that company. And it's only his 3rd year. Yiiiiiikes. I'm not saying he's going to be one of the best ever but I'm not saying he wont be either.

Side Boob Of The Day

It's too easy. I got girls on shoulders showin me they chi-chi's.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

You play for who??

Good morning Sarasota. I was watching COOLIDGE ball this fine morning and heard of a team called "liberty" which means there's a college called liberty which is fucking gay but thats besides the fact. anyways it got me thinking, are there any pro teams I don't know exist?? I immediately turned to the NHL 'cause i can name any other pro team with my eyes closed.

Atlanta Thrashers
Columbus Blue jackets
Minnesota Wild
Nashville Predators
Washington Capitals

Those are 5 teams in the NHL that I have MAYBE heard mention of once, and thats only cause Bayne shuffles through every team in NHL 09 before he gets where he needs to be. Finding these teams is like the recent discovery of Justin Budris....legend

Sellberg Cancels HBMHL At 11:50 PM.

I think it's typical of most swedish guys (sellberg) in our league, running around playing tough and never back anything up. I mean I understand. Just yesterday I claimed that when it's all said and done I will be the greatest player to ever hit the ice. The boy is afraid because when it's me and him chasing down the puck, the story ends with him going into the wall. That's already a known fact. He might have 20 pounds on me but when it comes to heart, that's something I have an ambundant amount of. When he was off hanging out with his boyfriend last night, I was training. He was getting kisses, I was getting buckets. Cause that's what champions do. There is no off days for real hustlers. he was feeling satisfied while I was hurting but I said, "don't quit, suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." Just tell me when big shooter. I'll be right here all night. It's not my fault you can't handle me you slug. Yeah, we might be close but J.grady told me that only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades. Jordon Brault wants his birthday to come and go asap but that doesn't mean shit. All I'm saying is if you want the crown, you best come at the king. Cup or bust.

I <3 CP3

I really do. Besides Rajon Rondo, I think this kid is one hell of a ball player. Ever since his days at Wake Forest. I even bought a Wake hat at Olympia for 5 bucks back in the day when he was playing there. I claim to be a UNC fan too but I really don't like the ACC and roy williams is a prick. I don't like to shed my love on anyone but the celtics usually but I can't help. CP3 against the black mamba last night was quite entertaining. I used to not go crazy over the NBA but until you get to college and realize all those guys you used to love to watch are the same age as you and 70 times the athlete you are, it's just not fun anymore. Throw in the factor that you never got accepted to any of those schools and it makes the NBA a nice alternative. Anyway. Chris Paul. Besides Rondo, rayray, the truth and KG, this guy is one of my favorite players in the league right next to Ron Artest and Gilbert Arenas. He's wicked smaht. The past two years, the kid is averaging a double double. And not in rebounds either. I could go out there and get 10 boards a night if I wanted, all that shit takes is hard work in the paint. No talent needed. We're talkin assists here. love that shit. He get's his buckets then makes sure eveyrone around him gets theirs. 10.8 assists to go alonng with his savvy 22 points a game. 2 steals a game. Ahhhh I love it. Guy averages 4 defensive boards too. You know what that means? He works his ass off on both sides of the court. That's a player right there. I just love his all around game. Show me another guy who has the best stop and pop mid range jump shot since myself. You can't do it. Cp3 is just a gritty bastard. Grinds out the close games and without a doubt will bleed for you on the court. I know I want him next to me when we go into battle. And Hayden on the other side.

Side Boob Of The Day

Tough titties you little ass turd

Friday, February 20, 2009

lil fitzgerald?

I dont know about you, but i think these two dudes look exactly the same. Which one is which might you ask? Is the one on bottom who looks extremely thug in his BAPE belt Larry Fitzgerald, the classiest/best wide reciever in football?
Is the man on the top the one and only Wayne F. Carter aka "lil' Wayne"? The world may never know, but i would like to believe that this is the same person. A son of a bitch who can catch footballs and spit fly ass rhymes with the best. Just call him Lil Fitz.

Happy Freaky Friday Bitches! Lets Gooo!!!!!!

This is his about me:
m asome play the guitar and a actor i have a agency its Disney support me if you didnt if you did thank you so much keep doing that so just keep supporting and ill try talking to my fans my fans ROCK thanks

Why dontchaa just lynch him?

"Baby just sayyyy yessssss"

I would like to draw your attention to probably if not the perfect female, the closest to such a person. Taylor Swift has captured the hearts of many, including my own. This specimine is comperable to none. If she wanted to she could single handedly win a superbowl, world series, and win the Masters. Yes The Masters. She would take that shit right out from under Tiger. , In the magical words of Taylor Swift...

"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.You'll be the prince and I'll be the princessIt's a love story - baby just say 'Yes"
They call me Romeo/Prince Desiderato

There is just one thing i must never do, and that is piss her off. She will lyrically destroy me/humiliate me, like she has a track record of doing. If i get her mad, there is a greater chance of a bangin party in Burlington then me receiving pity from Miss Swift.

In other news.....
1. A-Roid is a sandbaggin son of a bitch. Keep digging yourself a bigger hole.

2. Now we know who the real 3rd baseman is in NY...the classy man known as DAVID WRIGHT.

Tom Brady Has The World By The Short and Curlys

Striking an optimistic tone, Patriots quarterback Tom Brady said yesterday he's progressing from knee surgery as expected and sees no reason he won't be ready for the 2009 season opener. Brady added that he's "doing everything" in his workouts and that "you wouldn't know that I had surgery if you watched me." He said he's "moved on" and that he considers his injured left knee a "non-issue."

I don't know how the fuck I missed this yesterday but apparently #12 is back and better than ever. You hear that? He's "doing everything." Yeah, everything. He's dropping back in the pocket, borking giselle, texting me, telling espn how much they suck balls, slapping sellbergs tits, punching rhianna, jumping over dwight howard, hanging with mouth mcfadden, putting shamu in a chlorine tank, sticking it to the man, getting in facebook fights on his girlfriends wall, winning the battle at big horn, getting punched in the mouth by togs, being the change we can believe in, pulling a chair out on donahue, turning water into wine, hooking me and hayden up for a first date, and so on and so forth. Bottom line is THE CANDY MAN IS BACK.

Places to stay away from: Borneo, China

borneo-monster.jpgborneo-monster-1.jpgPhotos allegedly show a 100-foot snake winding down a river in Borneo. We're suspicious, but locals vouch for the creature's existence.

What the fuck? A 100-foot long snake, now idk if this is real or if Matt Malona is just taking a swim but im fucking scared. This thing looks like it means business and as far as im concerned untill this shit gets clarified I would stay the hell out of the water in Borneo China.

Happy Birthday John Grady

This is the the darkest day for knee injuries since Tom Terrific got absolutely assaulted on that warm September day. I didn't even want to wake up this morning knowing that KG injured his knee. The thought of a scrub like Bscales filling his role is nothing short of terrifying. If it means sitting him until the playoffs I'm all for it. I'm also all about outdoor showers so I wouldn't go with my judgement.
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