Monday, July 5, 2010

That's Amare!

Sources are reporting Amare Stoudemaire and the New York Knicks have agreed to a 5 year, 100 million dollar deal. Its a good fit for Amare because he plays absolutely no defense and sources have told me Coach Mike D'Antoni refuses to even say the word. Apparently he calls it the "d-word". I'm not too surprised with this deal as there were much better free agents out there this summer, but New York knew they HAD to get somebody. Apparently the Knicks were certain to ask LeBron if he was OK with them signing Amare and this signing does not rule out them signing the King.

The bad news of the day are the serious rumors circulating the best player in the world leaving the best team in the world. Carmelo has an opportunity to opt out of his final year of his contract next year and rumors are already being heard of him joining the Knicks with LeBron and Amare. The Nuggets said he will not be traded this year (thank god). Also, with the new collective bargaining agreement next year, if Melo leaves the Nuggets he will be making a significant amount of money somewhere else, so it will be interesting to see if he picks money from the Nuggets or wins with the Knicks. Apparently Amare and Melo are close friends and Amare says Melo has already contacted him about playing together in New York.

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