Thursday, July 15, 2010

Friday New Movie Releases - July 16 (Inception and Standing Ovation)

There are 2 movies coming out tomorrow (Friday, July 16) - Inception and Standing Ovation. Let me re-write that. There is 1 movie coming out tomorrow. Inception. Everyone and their mom is talking about Inception being the greatest thing since internet porn so I will have to see it in the near future. Inception stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Marion Cotillard and is directed by the one and only Christopher Nolan. It has an 84% on Rotten Tomatoes (official sponsor) right now which is really really good (it was even at 96% yesterday). Our good friend at Drunk Drivers Against Mothers saw the movie and gave his initial thoughts...
"If Inception was a woman, it would be a beautiful, well-read woman, and I would try to seduce her. And then, after failing miserably to bed her, I would go home and masturbate to her Facebook pictures. Also, this woman looks like Joseph-Gordon Levitt."
In short - go see this movie now.

Standing Ovation is a musical that looks worse than Gabourey Sidibe in a bikini. You clicked that link you chubby chasing bastard...didn't you. If the synopsis for this movie doesn't lead you far far away you don't deserve to see Inception or any other movie for that matter...
"Standing Ovation delivers an optimistic tale of perseverance and passion that inspires the American dream in all of us. Five junior high school friends form a singing group called "The 5 Ovations" to compete in a national music video contest for a cash prize of one million dollars."
In other news - there were 5 people at the Standing Ovation premiere this week: Ricky Martin, Clay Aiken, Adam Lambert, Lance Bass and T.R. Knight. They were all bribed to attend with promises of Justin Bieber shirtless pics.

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