Thursday, June 3, 2010

Perfect Games Are Overrated Anyway

DETROIT -- Armando Galarraga squeezed the ball in his mitt, stepped on first base with his right foot and was ready to celebrate. What happened next will be the talk of baseball for the rest of this season and likely a lot longer: the perfect game that wasn't.Umpire Jim Joyce emphatically called Cleveland's Jason Donald safe, the Detroit Tigers argued and a chorus of groans and boos echoed in Comerica Park. Then Joyce emphatically said he was wrong and later, in tears, hugged Galarraga and apologized."It was the biggest call of my career, and I kicked the [stuff] out of it," Joyce said, looking and sounding distraught as he paced in the umpires' locker room. "I just cost that kid a perfect game.""I thought he beat the throw. I was convinced he beat the throw, until I saw the replay," he said after the Tigers' 3-0 win.

I'm so sick of everybody pitching a perfect game. It used to be like a once a year type thing and now it happens every fucking week so excuse me If I take Jim Joyce's side for the better integrity of the game. And I totally understand what he's talking about when he says he was convinced he was out until he saw the replay. It's like yeah, that chick was a 8 last night until you see her out at the Gap the next day in broad daylight and she's nothing more than a 5 who might possibly ride the short bus to school. I believe it's what Asia was referring to when they wrote Heat of The Moment. And you can handle this situation in two ways. Act all stoic and  say there is no chance in hell he was safe and bet your first born child on it or break down in tears, call yourself an asshole, slit your wrists for the world to see, go on national TV and say, "Hey world, this is my blood. It's red just like yours so love me!"

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