Monday, March 2, 2009

Pedro Lets His Cock Fight For Him.

Waterbury police have arrested 23 people after raiding an illegal cockfighting operation in a South Main Street garage. Police got a tip Saturday night and swept into a four-bay garage that had been converted into a makeshift cockfighting arena. Police said the setup included a fighting ring, areas for food and liquor, and rooster holding and prepping areas. Police said Pedro Santiago collected the $10 entry fee to the illegal event. Police said that Juan Garcia, of New Britain, directed the fight, ran a timer and collected the cash from the bettors.

Ohhhhh Pedro and Juan. This isn't the Dominican Republic or whatever here fellas. We don't speak puerto rican. Go play with your cocks somewhere else, you latin lovers. Why don't you go take all 16 of your kids and have them fight. Do it the real American way. I've said it a million times already. You gotta keep your head on a swivel when you find yourself in a vicious cockfight. Don't get me wrong, a $10 entry fee for food and liquor in a garage sounds like a slamming time to me. All the tequilla and nachos you can ask for. I just hope they let the ladies in for free. Of course, knowing Pedro or Carlos or whatever their name is, I'm sure they'd just beat little maria until she stocked the fridge with coronas.

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