Friday, March 6, 2009

NBA Hates The C's

I'm not talking about my Grades here people. C always stood for Connor on my report cards anyway. D for daniel. I don't understand the issue here. How are you gonna kick Big Baby out of the game tonight? A flagrant 2? for doing what Sean Avery gets paid for night in, night out. It was a fucking solid hit. Has the league actually gone that soft that what used to deemed a "good, hard" foul will now get you ejected? It's a crock of shit if you ask me. Just because the Celtics are beating Lebron and his scrubs without KG, Tony Allen, B-Scales and a partly injured Rondo, you gotta kick out Glen Davis? I bet anything they T up Mikki Moore and then say Stabury threw a punch tonight. Sorry we showed up to play. Just like I showed up to work tonight. Go smoke more weed, Seriously, smoke more weed. When I'm driving through the lane tomorrow with one fluid filled arm, I hope you hack up a black loung. Maybe start the plague. Have fun with that on your fucking conscience. Disgusting. HOWEVER. I just hope this reminds people who the real best team in the league is. The 17-time world champion Boston Celtics. HEY PONTE, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CAVS TONIGHT!? bahhaahhaaaaa.

Jordon Brault at 8:05pm March 6
umm i think if i get tagged with one more photo like this from u jen im gonna take my foot and place it up ur ass on monday

That's my kinda guy. Talks his shit then backs it up. When this jen character is walking around school with a nike shaped hole in her ass, I'll be the guy saying I told ya so. You go, girl.

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