Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Kanye's New Gf Is..Uhhh...Different?

So that was Kanye and Alexis. Once engaged and then split up. 12 mediocre songs later and you got his new CD. 808's and Heartbreak, blah, blah, don't say you will unless you will, more bullshit, and it was the coldest story ever told. I get it. The guy was sad. Those Alexis chicks will do that to ya. Next picture please...Whooaaa. Talk about a clean cut lady. I get the whole rebound period but dude give me a fucking break. This is like bringing a knife to a gun fight. Or an ugly whore in public? I don't know man. I respect the new balances on the feet but this is just gross. She looks like the alien in Signs. It's just wrong on so many levels. Stop slumming it in the minors when you can be tappin ass in the majors big shooter. Guys like me and Sean Avery are disgusted on days like these.

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