Wednesday, March 4, 2009

HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY (im tired of this already)

Really not any birthdays today...John Candy died today in 1993...thats fucked up dylan. UNCLE BUCK ran shit...don't tell me you dont still watch that shit on sick days

CHI-town CHICAGOO....todays your birthday playaaaa....incorporated as a city in 1837 HOLLAA. Some of the most ballinest ballers have ever come from the Chi. Kanye, Oprah, my boy Barack, Dick fucking Butkis, Donny Mcnabb, Lupe Fiasco....this is just a fiasco im done

oh and an apology to Kelly Christensen...wasn't your birthday yesterday...i must have been hazed by all the smoke you blew in Mikeys and Rzas eyes....sick bitch

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