Monday, July 12, 2010

Woman is Hit by Car, Blames Google Maps

Sometimes stories are handed to us with a big red bow, and this is definitely one of them. A woman from Utah used Google Maps to give her walking directions to God knows where (probably a Mormon Chili Festival), and Google lead her onto a four lane highway. Now I don't know what the hell this woman was thinking, but her and her Sketchers started to walk along the highway. You can guess what happens next...she got hit by a car. If only she was as graceful as this man...

At this point this bitch should have counted her loses and moved on with her life as a damn fool, but no, she had other things in mind. She decides to sue Google Maps for giving her bad directions on her Blackberry. On a side note I'd like to say that this is more proof that Blackberry sucks, this would have never happened on an iPhone. This legal dispute is still on going, but if America has any chance of surviving as a nation this woman needs to walk away with nothing but a couple of broken legs.

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