Saturday, July 10, 2010

This Is The Face You Make When You Realize You Have Just Made a Terrible, Terrible Mistake

I really don't understand Lebron's thinking. He calls himself the king but he's going to Wade's team in Wade's city and he'll always have one ring less than Wade. Like he will never be "the guy." MJ was the guy in Chicago, Larry was the guy in Boston and Magic was the guy in LA and I'm the guy in Burlington. But Lebron be the guy in Miami when he's playing alongside a comparable talent in D-Wade and Bosh? Nope. Never. He's a complimentary piece. A flower on the dinner table. Never the main dish. Call this one in because there's no way his legacy as an alpha dog will last. He's a pussy. A vagina. He ran away from Cleveland and NY and blew his shot at really being better than MJ in Chicago where he could have caught alley oops from the best point guard in the league not named Rajon Rondo. So have fun being 1/3 of the player you could have been, Lebron. I'll be up here in my ivory tower.

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