Monday, July 5, 2010

Relax, Knicks Fans. Amare Is a Chump.

NEW YORK -- The New York Knicks reached an agreement in principle Monday with free agent Amare Stoudemire after receiving assurances it would not be an impediment to their pursuit of LeBron James. The All-Star forward will receive a five-year, $99.7 million contract that will reunite him with coach Mike D'Antoni.  Stoudemire's agent, Happy Walters, said last week there was a "structure of an offer on the table," but no actual offer was put forth by the Knicks until they met with Stoudemire at Madison Square Garden on Monday afternoon. The deal cannot be signed until Thursday. "The fact that Amare really wanted to come here and stepped up front, it got to the point that we had to acknowledge that," team president Donnie Walsh said. "That means something to us." The Knicks believe they are still in the hunt for James (and, to a lesser degree, for Dwyane Wade), but Sunday night's news that James planned to delay making a decision until Wednesday or Thursday helped force their hand in regards to Stoudemire.

Lebron might be an egomaniac but he's not an idiot. If Amare's own team wouldn't throw a max contract at him then why would New York? Oh, That's right. It's the Knicks. The same franchise that thought Marbury, T-Mac, Jamal Crawford, and Eddy Curry were all the answers.  I don't understand how people can say Amare makes NY a desired destination for Lebron. If anything it does just the opposite. He doesn't play defense, is a head case and he won't be shit without Steve Nash at the point. You can take that to the bank. Lebron wants to make a run at a title with Amare, that big Italian dude and Chris Duhon? Uhhhh nope. Gotta love the Knicks for keeping this off season entertaining though. They told their fan base they would make a splash this summer and unfortunately it was that of a ship sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Think of this way. If you don't expect much, you'll never be disappointed.

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