Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Octopus Predicts World Cup Matches

I can't believe I just typed that post title. What is the world coming to? I realize the World Cup is over but I had to share one last story with everyone. This one shows just how retarded some people are and why we shouldn't let nuts talk about sports. Paul the Octopus was used by a bunch of weirdos to predict World Cup games and amazingly he went 8-8. I want to be crystal clear in the fact that I am in no way supporting this practice because it is just plain stupid.

Basically, Paul was put in a tank with 2 glass containers. Each container had an oyster inside and represented a different team playing. Whichever container Paul took the oyster from was supposed to be his "pick" for who would win the game. Do I really need to point out the obvious stupidity behind this practice? I think I might considering Paul has gained worldwide fame and the videos of him "picking" the winners are all over Youtube. Paul correctly picked Spain and Uruguay to win the last 2 World Cup games and the video of him is below if you want a good laugh. I'm going to come out and say this further proves that all of the games were rigged. FIFA probably saw his predictions and made sure that team won so it would create another side-show to keep the fans interested.

Who names an octopus? Who names an octopus Paul? Over/Under on length of time before someone takes Paul to Vegas? Did I really just spend an entire post talking about an octopus named Paul?

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