Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mel Gibson Loves Jeff Smokers

The 4th Mel Gibson audio clip has been released and it is just as ridiculous as the first 3. He gets really really really really mad about his girlfriend, Oksana , falling asleep before sex. He even threatens to burn her house down. Mel starts yelling,
“I should’ve woken you up and said fucking blow me bitch! I should’ve fuckin’ woken you up and said blow me! You would’ve liked that better, yeah? But you need the goddamn sleep!”
Oksana then says,
"We were supposed to go to jacuzzi and you said 'You have to wait for something'."
She explains how it was dark outside and she was afraid to go to the jacuzzi by herself so she "waited and waited for [Mel] until she fell asleep". That is when Mel really delivers an Oscar worthy speech, saying...
“Waited and waited? What, two and a half fucking minutes!? You’re fucking snoring. Don’t you dare … I deserve to be blown first! Before the fucking Jacuzzi! Okay, I’ll burn the goddamn house up, but blow me first! How dare you!??!”
I know Jeff Smokers are awesome but was getting this angry really necessary? Zippy chance he ever gets one from her again. It would have been even more hilarious if he actually burnt down the house. Audio of the incident is below. WARNING: it is littered with curse words and is NSFW.

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