Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday Daily Post - Lindsey Hohan, Justin Bieber & Katy Perry

So apparently the only way Lindsey Lohan can make the news now a days is by being a complete drunk fool. After leaving a club last night, Lindsey was recorded falling flat on her face. Boy, don't you wish you could see that?

I mean really, does anyone even care about this chick anymore? She was such a cute little girl in The Parent Trap, a babe in Mean Girls, and now she's a coked out whore? She needs to figure out nobody cares about her anymore and just get a job working at McDonald's.

In case anyone missed it, yesterday was April Fools and Funny or Die decided to tell people that Justin Bieber bought their site and renamed it Bieber or Die. They made 11 pretty hilarious videos with him - check them out here Does anyone else think he looks like a lesbian? He seems to be everywhere these days and was on Chelsea Lately last night. In case you happen to be one of the bazillion people obsessed with him right now, the interview is below.

Finally we will leave you with this - Katy Perry gets slimed at the Kids Choice Awards last Saturday.

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