Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday Daily Post - Drinking Game (Crazy Heart)

Jeff Bridges won the award for Best Actor at the 2010 Oscars this year for his performance in Crazy Heart and to pay sufficient homage to his character, Otis "Bad" Blake, we will supply you with all of the fixin's to help you emulate our new favorite fictional alcoholic. In short, this was a movie for anyone who is a fan of drinking, music, Maggie Gyllenhaal getting smashed (aka getting "Maggie Gyllenhoused") or any combination of the three. If you liked Jeff Bridges in The Big Lebowski, then you will love this movie. If you liked Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler, then you will love this movie. Crazy Heart depicts the life of "Bad" Blake (Bridges), a stubborn has-been country star who is struggling to make ends meet by playing small shows and sets at local bars and even bowling alleys. Battling health concerns such as alcholism and emphysema, Bad Blake is his own worst enemy. With his agent actively searching for work while he is on the road, he gets one more chance to relive some of his old glory days. Without ruining the movie by finishing this review, I will instead supply you now with some crucial guidelines for getting more drunk than David Hasselhoff in May 2007.


Every time Bad Blake sings or play music...
Every time Bad calls or visits Jean (Gyllenhaal)...
Every time Bad talks to his agent...
Every time Tommy Sweet(Colin Farrell) is mentioned or appears...

and if you want to take this movie seriously and keep up...

Drink every time Bad Blake drinks or is drunk and take a shot every time he gets laid.

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