SAN FRANCISCO -- Ronald McDonald is one of the most recognizable characters in the world.But some parents and watchdog groups say it's time for the McDonald's spokesman to retire.They said he has too much influence on kids and is making childhood obesity worse. At a "retirement party" Wednesday at San Francisco City Hall, public health advocates cited obesity studies of young people and said the iconic clown -- and the toys branded with his image -- are marketing unhealthy food to vulnerable children."Ronald McDonald may wear a big smile, but his boots are steel-tipped," said Raj Patol, a visiting scholar at the University of California-Berkeley."McDonald's is really skirting on treacherous legal ground when they target children as young as 3 years old, as Ronald the clown clearly does," said Michele Simon with the Marin Institute.I've always been a little suspect of Ronald McDonald. Nobody is that happy all the time unless they're getting away with highway robbery. Do I think he forces young children to eat unhealthy food? No. But do I think he's smiling because he rapes them? I don't know. I think it's possible. And that's where he gets away with it because he's a fictional character. He's like the greatest criminal of all time. But I really don't understand where these parents get off with saying Ronald is some great influence on their kids. Just look at the guy. If he offered you some nuggets would you say, "Oh hell yeah. I can trust a clown who puts his lipstick on like a fucking retard." I wouldn't.
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