Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Changed My Mind. Tomorrow Night Is a Big Fucking Deal.

I'm saying this after two big details just came into play. Boozer signed a max contract with Chicago and Lebron is holding his press conference from Greewich, CT which is a big deal because every rich dude or prospective rich dude from NYC has a crib there. I hate to be cliche but tomorrow night could be one of those nights in 15 years when you look back and say "I was ... when Lebron hijacked national television to announce where he was signing" and the possibility of that is awesome. I still say he's gonna stay in Cleveland but I don't know why. They have nothing. I mean nothing. I'd rather make out with two brain dead lesbians in a coma than spend a day in Cleveland. Some dudes are into that, I suppose. The smart guy would go to Chicago where he has the big city and supporting cast to make a title run and make the team his while Miami presents rings but kinda kills the whole King James brand. Believe it or not, I'd support Bron-Bron signing in New York. It'll be so much sweeter when Boston kicks the shit out of him as a division rival and he'll be just another NY athlete who choked on the big stage against a Bean town squad.

P.S. I don't like Lebron but I want a Witness T-Shirt to wear if I ever get picked for jury duty. The jury takes the stand and you make eye contact with the defendant as he sees your Witness shirt. Guarantee he shits his pants. The "he" in this scenario is obviously a young black male around 6 feet tall and 20 years of age.

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