Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Breaking News! Oh. Wait...

Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh are teaming up together on Wade's Miami Heat, the two free agents said Wednesday. It was not immediately clear whether Bosh -- who spent seven seasons with the Toronto Raptors  Chris Bosh, right, and Dwyane Wade will appear on ESPN "SportsCenter" at 12:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday to announce their future plans. Whether LeBron James, the kingpin of this summer's celebrated free-agent class, will join them in Miami remains to be seen. James will announce his decision at 9 p.m. ET Thursday during a one-hour special on ESPN.

I can't take this shit anymore. They're fucking basketball players. What they do for a living has absolutely effect on how we live our lives but the media treats them like Obama announcing the release of all the nuclear codes.  Obviously as a fan I'd like to know where these guys are playing but they act like they have the cure for cancer or something and the sad part is none of this was even exciting. Wade is staying in Miami, Bosh is an overrated power forward who wants to team  up with him with no support and Lebron is probably gonna stay in Cleveland where he can get beat in the playoffs every year. And ESPN buys into all of it just like they do with Brett Favre every summer. It's fucking maddening to watch. If I have to hear Chris Broussard mention his "sources" or "insiders" and say "Well, Uh, I think Lebron could" one more time I'm gonna march down to Bristol, rip his dick off and rape Mel Kiper with it.

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