Thursday, April 8, 2010

Players Win Title Then Beat Up Coach

JESENICE, Slovenia -- Six Slovenian ice hockey players who beat up their American coach after winning a league title were released by the team Thursday. Mike Posma, a former American Hockey League player who atook over as coach last year, was beaten up by his players Saturday following Acroni Jesenice's celebrations for winning the title. The 42-year-old New Jersey native was cut and bruised but not seriously injured. The team denounced the incident Thursday and announced the end of the players' contracts. Club president Slavko Kanalec said the team was "shocked" and "strongly condemns" the incident. The team said it also suspended further contract talks with Posma, who reportedly left Slovenia for the United States earlier Thursday. Slovenian media say that both the six players and Posma were drunk while celebrating the team's third consecutive national league title. The six players were reportedly angry at Posma because he allegedly told a 19-year-old backup goaltender to drive a car -- even though he knew the man was drunk. The goaltender subsequently crashed the car. The six then turned on the coach, reportedly beating him with wooden traffic signs that they found by the side of the road.

If this doesn't count as an act of terrorism then I don't know what does. I know if we were still in the Bush era, Slovenia would be under attack right now. Dick Cheney wouldn't stand for this shit. But this whole story is a little off. I mean hockey players are a different breed. They're the real deal. Cut your throat to get ahead type of guys. They're not some phony lacrosse players with their dumb fucking sticks and a helmet they hide behind that could stop a bullet, walking around with their tiny ass jerseys, acting tough and never back any of it up. Honestly. Fuck lacrosse players. I digress. You gotta question the coach's judgment here with telling the young rook to drive home. I'm not saying he wanted to the kid to crash his car but I think if you get me enough free drinks from a bunch of Slavics, I might start believing it. That's all that happened here. There was probably a leader in this group and as they got drunker(is that a word?), he stood up and convinced the world that this coach was a killer.

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