Sunday, November 15, 2009

Another Yankee Hater. Yawn.

C'mon, people. Give it a rest already. No one hates that the Yankees are world champions more than me but I'm not gonna spend my days bitching about it or coming up with excuses. It's just pointless. I mean I don't see them winning another title for 40 years but that's another post for another day. I'm just sick of my fellow sox fans throwing out the money factor and that the Yankees buy championships. Don't hurt my reputation. That's what 16 year old girls are for. This video is fucking pathetic. A team was willing to spend and risk more money than we were so we should be pissed? I'm more pissed at Boston for fucking up the Texeira deal than at him for actually winning with New York. Yes, this is by far the most humbled you will ever see me. Still think the Pats are going to win by over 700 points tonight, though.

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