Monday, November 16, 2009

So Many Things

Past 16 hours were a blur. or blurr. or blerr. Gotta clear my head. And scotty boucher jizzes in his pants whenever I make a post like this

1) The Pats are 6-3. Celtics lost 2 in a row. Sean Avery hasn't put a point up or gotten in a fight in like 4 weeks. What the fuck am I even living for?

2) Mikey O asked for open ice checks to be allowed in hbmhl this year. That's what I'm living for.

3) The Amazing Race. Is that a show about white people? It should be.

4) With a little love and some tenderness, we'll walk upon the water, we'll rise above the mess. Get 'em Hootie.

5) Watched Paranormal Activity like 4 days ago and I slept like a baby that night. Watched the game last night and I haven't slept yet.

6) Why isn't Marty Mcfly a bigger pop culture icon? The guy fucking time traveled in a Delorean, gave a rousing performance at the enchantment under the sea and saved Doc Brown's life. I put him up there with Thomas Jefferson as far as changing society goes. The thing with his mom wanting to jump his bones though really creeped me the fuck out. And whatever happened to Marvin Berry? The guy had rock n roll fall right into his lap and he gets no credit. I wish I could just write a whole book on Back to the Future and its absolutely classic scenes. It brought Huey Lewis and The News to fame. "Wait a minute Doc, are you telling me it's actually 8:25? Damn! I'm late for school!" I'm done.

7) Do you get pissed off when you see gay dudes comment on chick's status' on facebook? I just wanna type "homo." But gay dudes are so clever, I'm kind of afraid of the insults they'd toss back at me. Hopefully not my salad. Heyoooooo

8) That last one just made me laugh out loud to myself.

9) Sellberg's hair looks good. No punch line needed.

10) I don't like this Levi Johnston kid. I hate Sarah Palin but he knocked up her daughter and knows how to talk shit so he gets to be in Playgirl. Make sense. Who reads Playgirl? Is it just pictures of a dude's dongs?" And no way they have quiality articles with a bunch of bitches running the joint.

11) I cited lyrics from Forever Young in a paper. Someone stop me from being awesome. And not the Jay-z version. Or Rod Stewart. Or Bob Dylan.

12) I think Stephen Coletti should go on The Hills. He would slay bitches and make Justin-Bobby-Timothy-Yani look like a fool. That kid terrorized vagina's in Laguna. Maybe a cameo by that Talon D-bag and have him get hit by a car.

13) Pretty excited for my 500th friend on Facebook. I've already ignored like 8 people because I'm hoping it's Hayden or Tara Reid circa 2001.

14) I haaaaaate asian drivers. That felt so good to get off my chest.

15) Ravens vs. Browns might be the worst monday night football match up ever. Who the fuck schedules that shit? ESPN, awesome work.

16) Speaking of ESPN, who hired Trent Dilfer? I think he wants to blow every QB in the league. He just sucks. I get pissed off thinking about him and his faggy face.

17) Who hired Ron Packard?

18) I also hate Verizon and for no apparent reason except for the fact that I have AT&Tits(sounds like a venereal disease). Gotta support my side I suppose.

19) Manny Pacquiao is awesome.

20) My name is Ram and my tank is full. Really? Some dude came up with that shit and got paid millions for it? I bet they went to a retard hospital and just started taking down quotes when they had to go potty.

21) I wanna like John Mayer. I really do. He seems like a cool guy and someone I can have a beer with. He just tries so hard to be cool. No one says you can't get stoned, asshole. But now that you made a song about it someone probably will. Matty Berman doesn't ask questions and that's why we like him.

22) The Beatles were overrated. I went there.

23) Oh Sorry. I forgot Lebron retired that number for everybody. Fuck him. Seriously. Fuck him.

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