Monday, November 2, 2009

Yankees Make Me So Angry. And Bitches.

PHILADELPHIA -- All those meetings on the mound called by catcher Jorge Posada and the New York Yankees are giving Major League Baseball pause, too. Posada and pals visited pitcher CC Sabathia eight times -- in a single inning -- on Sunday night, grinding Game 4 of the World Series to a standstill. Agitated Phillies fans booed each trip.MLB vice president of umpiring Mike Port said frequent mound meetings by all teams would likely be discussed by baseball officials this offseason. "It would fall under the province of pace of game," Port said before the Yankees beat Philadelphia 7-4 to take a 3-1 Series lead.

What the fuck? Let's cut the shit, Jorge. What do you have to say that made you visit fatass on the mound 8 different times? I think this sums up why everyone thinks new york fans are all a bunch of assholes. How can you support this? I put them right up there with the people who call your phone and let it ring once just so the caller ID doesn't show up and it's enough for you to get off the couch. Baseball is already hard enough to watch and you're gonna take you sweet ass time to visit CC and ask if he wants to be the top or bottom? Maybe get A-roid involved and shoot eachother up with syringes and shit. I don't know what they're into these days. Which brings me to another point and I'm not just saying this because he's a yankee. Doesn't Tex look like a gay? I would even go as far as to say that he looks like a gay pornstar. Oh, how do I know what a gay pornstar looks like? I don't have to answer that right now.

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