Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mark Sanchez Thinks He's Tim Tebow

"I've got a couple of things to say real quick. You guys will probably have some questions after. This should hit on everything. [There] are just some things I'm thinking here real quick. We'll change it up. OK? "First play of the game, [I had an] early mistake. It can't happen. It put our offense in a tough spot. [It was] a great read. J-Co [Jerricho Cotchery] runs an awesome route and it's just a physical mistake and underthrown ball. The best part about it, the mental side of it, I battled back all game. "[I] played smarter the rest of the game [and I am] proud of my effort. Second thing [with] the interception, the defensive end makes a pretty good play. The guy got up there and just spooked me off the edge there and made a great play. In the big scheme of things, it didn't hurt us. We got the ball back. Our defense played their tail off and got us the ball. "The last drive of the game [was] just unbelievable effort. The offensive line [did a great job]. I've got some guys written down here: [David] Clowney, J-Co [Jerricho Cotchery], and Dustin [Keller], Braylon [Edwards]. Those third-down conversions were unbelievable. [It was] a great effort. "Clowney comes in and makes one huge catch. It changes the course of the game and keeps our drive alive. Then, the O-line [was] giving you tons of time on that drive. At the end of that drive, we scored. T.J. [Thomas Jones] punches it in. [With] the two-point conversion, I've got to put it on Braylon sooner. He makes a good effort going after the ball, but that ball has got to be there sooner so nobody can knock it out of his hands. "The bottom line to this whole thing, to this entire game, to our entire season is find a way to find a way. Coach [Ryan] challenged us already. We've got to find a way to win some games. Right now we're finding ways to lose, but we're in a position right now to sink or swim. I know we've got a lot of fight in us. We've got some great veteran leaders and they've been in spots like this before, so we're going to call on their leadership [and] call on our coaching. Great job today too from Schotty [Brian Schottenheimer] and Cav [Matt Cavanaugh]. [They had] just unbelievable play-calling in that last drive, so [it's] sink or swim [and] find a way to find a way."

What a complete douche. This isn't college or high school young fella. You can't come out like ron packard in 2007 with those faggy heart cards and think you're gonna inspire people with a fabricated speech. Just doesn't work that way. I've learned the hard way that you gotta put some production behind those promising words. I signed an oath last winter to protect Scott Boucher on the ice every game and what do I do? I go out with the sole intention of crushing bodies and hurting Sellberg's feelings. Just a day in the life of an enforcer.

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