Monday, November 30, 2009

Missin' Ya

Florida Marlins shortstop Hanley Ramirez(notes) hasn't played for the Boston Red Sox since 2005 when he had two at-bats over two games. the team apparently wants the All-Star back now, according to the New York Daily News. Boston let shortstop Alex Gonzalez go and isn't ready to depend on Jed Lowrie(notes) as a full-time infielder just yet so the team is trying to wrest Ramirez from his current place of employment. It must've burned Boston up when Ramirez won Rookie of the Year in 2006 with the Marlins although the Red Sox got Josh Beckett(notes), Mike Lowell(notes), and Guillermo Mota(notes) in the transaction. Not too shabby a group. Wonder if the folks in Boston will enjoy Ramirez's habit of sticking pies in teammates' faces after big wins as much as the folks in Florida do.

Do people actually get paid for writing articles like this? The sox don't have a shortstop so let's just make up a rumor that makes sense because he's a player that they once traded for Beckett, Lowell and a 2007 World Series title. That's what gets lost in that whole Ramirez/Beckett trade. Yeah, we lost a great player but we also got another future hall of famer and fucking championship. I'll take that over a rookie of the year award. Can we just forget about him? I mean, we hooked up with a chick who was a 7 in high school but now that she hit her stride in her college, she's a perfect 10 and we try to get it back. Just get over it. That ship has sailed. Having said that, if we can pull off a deal for Hanley then you won't see this guy complaining. He's pretty terrific. Emphasis on the pretty.

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