Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ugghhhh. I Hate Her So Much.

Taylor Swift, accepting Female Vocalist award, said she wanted to thank everyone in the audience “for not running up onstage during this speech.”

Stop. Just fucking stop. We get it. Kanye jumped on stage and ruined your moment. That was 2 months ago. Don't sit on your feelings for this long and then go on SNL last week and show up at the CMA's talking your shit like you're still hurt. You just sound like a bitter bitch who is seeking attention for something that wasn't even that big of a deal. The definition of a media whore. I hope no one still thinks she's "classy." If you have class, you don't throw daggers back when you're on the mic. You're supposed to act like nothing happened and pretend like you've been there before. And what the fuck are the CMA's? Does country music really have their own award show? I thought nobody watched the VMA's but I'm actually scared to know how many tune it to that country shit.

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