Monday, November 9, 2009

You Sad Son Of A Bitch

Memphis Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley has shot down the idea that Allen Iverson is mulling retirement as he takes an indefinite leave of absence for a personal matter. But Heisley said there was no indication of such consideration by the 34-year-old guard, and the owner told the newspaper that "if he was going to retire, he'd tell me first." Iverson returned to his home in Atlanta late last week with Heisley's permission. "I expect him to come back," Heisley said. "If he does retire, I'll be tremendously disappointed. I feel bad because I don't think that's the way he should go out."Iverson has played in three games since returning from a hamstring injury, averaging 12.3 points, 3.7 assists and 22.3 minutes. But he has expressed displeasure over coming off the bench thus far this season.

You hate to see this. Iverson was a high caliber player who deserves to go out on his own terms. Let me repeat that. Was a high caliber player. As much as I love the guy and fell in love with his game back in the day, someone needs to smack him and wake him the fuck up. It's not 2003 and you're not 28. You don't have the NBA by the short and curlies. I understand that it must be hard to comprehend the fact that you went from being a top 10 player in this league 3 years ago to not being mentioned in the top 25 in 2009. But you gotta pick yourself up by your boot straps and stop being such a vagina. Don't sign with a team that has one of the brightest young talents at guard in OJ Mayo and preaches the fact that they are building a team for the future. The bottom line is he knew what he was getting himself into and with all this bitching that he's doing is only hurting the most important part of his career. His reputation.

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