Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Matt Holliday?

CHICAGO - Multiple reports have it that the Red Sox made a four-year, $60 million offer to left fielder Jason Bay, though general manager Theo Epstein has not confirmed that. But if the Sox don’t retain Bay, the main power-hitting outfielder available is Matt Holliday, who is represented by Scott Boras. Holliday is basically Boras’s 2010 version of Mark Teixeira. While Boras hasn’t put a monetary figure on Holliday’s worth, you can assume that Boras will ask for (and may not get) at least Teixeira money (eight years, $180 million). Boras met with Epstein last night at the general managers’ meetings, and it is likely that Holliday’s name came up. Epstein has said that while he wants to pursue a deal with Bay, he won’t limit himself exclusively to negotiating with Bay in case it doesn’t work out. So Boras came calling for the usual introductory meeting about a major player.

As much as I'd like to see Jason Bay come back to Boston, I would love to see them get Matt Holliday. He just looks like a baseball player. Some guys have it and some guys don't. It pains me to say it but you can look at guys on the Yankees or Philly and you see that there best players are built. A-roid looks like an athlete. Ryan Howard looks like an athlete. Chase Utley is the prototypical ball player. Matt Holliday also looks like an athlete. Jason Bay looks like a volleyball player. That's where the difference is between the two guys. And signing either one of them wont be answer to winning it all next year. I think the secret is Adrian Gonzalez. If that means trading prospects packaged with an Ellsbury or Papelbon then so be it. No one wants Lowell, Ortiz or even JD Drew and you gotta think that Pedroia, Lester and Martinez are untouchable. Youk should be but he's probably not and that scares the shit out of me because the Youk-Pedroia combo is ten times better than Cano-Texeira. I just went off on a tangent. The bottom line is the Sox are going to sign either Bay or Holliday and they'll trade for Gonzalez. I got a funny feeling that Theo hooked his assistant GM up with a job over there in San Diego with the promise that he'll deliver us Gonzo. Things look good.

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