Sunday, November 22, 2009

What a Cock

A person in a chicken costume ruffled the feathers of Durango's city council as its members discussed rules for backyard fowl. At a council meeting Tuesday, someone in a chicken costume quietly entered the council chambers just as the mayor was discussing a recently-passed backyard hen ordinance. The costumed chicken took a few turns, flapped its arms, then took a seat in the nearly empty gallery. Several minutes later, the big bird left -- without identifying itself -- after laying an egg on the floor.

I've been saying the same shit for years. If you're going to go with the shock and awe approach then you better bring the rain as well as the thunder and that's exactly what this broseph pulled off. I mean yeah, he walked in quietly but after that the real show began with the flapping and the turning and the ass gyrating. I bet he had that audience fucking captivated just waiting for the grand finale and then it happened. The egg was layed. Game, set, match. If that doesn't send a message to city council then I don't know what will. No taxation without representation, bitch.

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