Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jimmy Clausen Gets Smacked

Notre Dame quarterback Jimmy Clausen was punched in the face by an irate fan outside a South Bend restaurant early Sunday morning and has a swollen eye, a person briefed on the incident said on Monday. That person said Clausen was "sucker-punched" by a fan as he left an establishment after having dinner with his parents. The fan allegedly said something to Clausen and/or a female acquaintance. A South Bend police spokesman said that no police reports were filed over the weekend involving Clausen, according to the Chicago Tribune. The newspaper also reported that the name of the bar was CJ's and that a bartender at the establishment said that Clausen had been there with family members and other Irish upperclassmen after Notre Dame's loss to Connecticut on Senior Day.

I root Notre Dame and I really like Jimmy Clausen. But you can't lose to UConn. You just can't. That's not fucking acceptable. Especially when you lost to Syracuse at home a year ago. Now I'm not a huge fan of the sucker punch but usually that type of shit comes screaming out for a reason. Dan Donahue pulls a chair out from me so I obviously retaliate by throwing 2 haymakers at his ear. I'm sure this kid said something to Clausen and then Clausen responded with something about him being a loser and how he's gonna go home and start collecting checks from the St. Louis Rams. The part that really bugs me is that Clausen was with his lady and the parents. It just seems there is an unwritten rule that you can't attack a fellow man when he is in the company of the woman who birthed him or the lass who will push out Jimmy Clausen jr some day. With that being said(curb your enthusiasm finale), if I see the Manning brothers out with the family then all hell is going to break lose.

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