Sunday, November 15, 2009

Berman Says It's The Biggest Game Of The Year. I Agree

I noticed I haven't gone all goo-goo dolls over Tom Terrific in a while. Or is it awhile? That shit always fucked me in the ass. Like 2 points off every paper for stupid fucking grammatical errors just because I was too lazy to google it. Whatever. I'm psyched, excited, pumped, jacked up and off for this game. It's not possible to over hype this game and that's something ESPN always seems to do very well. They also do a great job at having sex with their interns, sexually assaulting co-workers and getting caught in their hotel room as they check out their own ass. The K-Zone did revolutionize viewing baseball on TV, though. Can't deny that. They don't just hand out Emmys for picking ones own ass. Holla, Scans. Back to the game. I'd be terrified to face the Patriots today. Last weeks win against Miami was ugly but I got a feeling from that game that they didn't want to execute a full game plan to not give anything too revealing to Indy for tonight's game(That was the most "stop n go sentence I've ever read but I don't give a fuck. I got an A on a midterm and all I did was bullshit about sports, ESPN and agism. Moral of the story is I'm awesome.). It takes balls but when you have the greatest QB to ever play the game, you can take those chances. Ra ndy Moss and Wes Welker combine for 12 TD's tonight. Tom Chucks 14 TD passes, runs 4 in and knocks up some famous singer. Then he has banged the holy trinity. Actress, model and an entertainer. Pats win 146 to 0. Suck my balls, Peyton Manning

P.S. Notice how Tommy parted his hair. Look out Thanksgiving dinner. I'm not fucking around this year.

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