Sunday, November 29, 2009

Do You Hurt?

Because I fucking writhe in pain. First, Tiger Woods. And I don't really care about his minor car crash. It's the the reason behind the crash which really fucks my day up. He was the last great action hero and here he is going out and cheating on his swedish model of a wife. Lost a little respect in my eyes, that's all. I mean Phil Mickelson doesn't cheat on his wife and she's got the cancer.

2) I haven't come up with a quality post in a solid week and it's flat out embarrassing. I'm at the point where I want people to laugh as they see me coming and then I want them to weep as I walk away. That's just one of my dreams. At the rate I'm going, we'll never get there.

3) This one might sting the most. It has me more angered than anything. Sellberg is going to claim that he beat me up and made me bleed. Well listen chachi, where I come from there are 12 rounds to a high stakes boxing match. You might have taken the first 2 because of the wet hill and terrible lighting and the 30 pound advantage(which he didn't have before freshman year) but I promise you this, you haven't heard the last of this guy. Whether it's on the ice or in the ring, I'm gonna come back running into your heart with the zeal of a thousand warriors. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

4) What's the deal with Vince Young? Everyone wants to call him great again or some bullshit and the only thing I can't get over is what if he killed himself last year. Wasn't he on suicide watch or something?And he didn't finish the job. So in other words, he's a failure.

5) My fantasy football team hit the skids this week. The MartyMcFlys had a solid 5 week run going and I don't know what happened. Victory obviously got to our heads. Started looking too far ahead to the playoffs and lost sight of the next game. And maybe it's my fault. I think I rode Sidney Rice a little too long and forgot about my man Desean Jackson. Even Percy played well. I think my bench points could beat 75% of the league.

6) Fuck thanksgiving break. Seriously. Let's give everyone a taste of winter break but then make them go back to school for 3 more weeks and take finals.

7) This post has gotten too personal. Can't let anybody into my heart. That's rule #1.

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