Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is This Bitch For Real?

Over in L.A., Heidi is meeting with her therapist, Jordana Mansbacher, to talk about Spencer refusing to have kids. Dr. Mansbacher tells Heidi they should have gotten on the same page before getting married. When Dr. Mansbacher advises Heidi to wait on having babies, Heidi says she wants to stop taking birth control and surprise Spencer with a pregnancy. The therapist advises against this, saying Spencer might feel tricked.

Huh? What? I didn't quite get that. What the fuck?! This bitch can't be serious can she? I don't know how many people still watch The Hills but it really is the only show that keeps me angry enough to continue hating the entire world. I mean this in all honesty, every fucking person on that show should be publicly executed. And I don't mean that type of soft core porn lethal injection type execution either. I say we take them back to the old school, Nazareth style and stone these assclowns. And Kristen is supposed to be "the new girl in town." So why the fuck is her roommate the bartender from last season? They really couldn't find another fake actress with limited talent to play a bitch snot nosed cunt of a roommate? But now I'm off point and I'm sweating and I'm pissed off. It should be illegal to go off birth control and not tell someone. You're just putting the life of a future child in jeopardy. I feel like you could sue for a personal wrong there. Or a tort as they say in business law 204. Remind me to bring up birth control and irresponsible sluts in the next class discussion.

P.S. The crack whore look is totally working for me. Keep up the good work.

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