Friday, November 6, 2009

Integrate Facebook to Your Web With Facebook Connect

Have you ever seen today many site change the layout so their member can login with their facebook account. Like,, and other example.Its reasonable becouse day by day facebook gain a lot of member so this is advantages for site owner to incrising traffic.Have you integrate facebook to your site? If not yet may be you should read this article.

Facebook Connect is a powerful set of APIs for developers that lets users bring their identity and connections everywhere. Developers can access a user's:
  1. Identity: name, photos, events, and more.
  2. Social Graph: friends and connections.
  3. Stream: activity, distribution, and integration points within Facebook, like stream stories and Publishers.
Use this information to create more engaging experiences on your website. Facebook Connect is free, so what are you waiting for? Be a part of making the Web more social and connecting people everywhere.

What are the benefits of implementing Facebook Connect?


Enable over 300 million Facebook users to share your content with their friends on Facebook. Let users publish a story, invite their friends, or send an event. Their friends then click back to your site.


Users can immediately find their friends and engage. More friends leads to more activity and more pageviews. Connected users create 15-60% more content than users who have not connected with Facebook Connect.


Every website wants registration to be easy. We have 300 million users, simple registration, and robust data. By increasing traffic, user engagement, and registrations, you can grow your revenue and increase monetization opportunities.

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