Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm So Sick Of Clever Titles. Or Titties? Tiles? Tires? Liers? Oh, Women.

Police made two drunken driving arrests Sunday after a woman showed up at the police station to pick up her friend, who had just gotten a drunken driving charge of his own, WPTZ-TV reported.The woman, police said, was more drunk than the man they had just arrested.Tyler W. Blake, 21, and Hailey Montemorano, 21, both face DWI charges in connection with the incident. Police said they pulled over Blake and charged him at about 1 a.m. While he was waiting for his ride at the Clinton County Sheriff's Office, an off-duty police officer reported a near-miss with another vehicle.

I'm not at all surprised. Seems like something Ty Blake would do, right? The saddest part about this story though is that it seems like a crime out of love. Ty gets caught not being able to hold his liquor like a pussy so his woman has to come bail him out of the drunk tank. But here's the kicker, why wasn't she with him? My money is on Hailey banging some dude named Ringo from across the pond. That nice girl act doesn't work on me anymore bitch. You can cry to your boyfriend about how you just lost your witts once that english accent came out of no where and he asked to buy you a "pint" rather than a "beer." Whatever. Every bitch has a story and it usually ends with a lie.

P.S. I hope that fucking picture is from halloween but who knows with that kid.

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